Insitutional Digital Assts and Blockchain Solution,MulitiSignature Wallet,Whitelable,Crypto Payments

We provide individuals and businesses a world class multisignature wallets and payment solution .BitAzure is the go-to spot for crypto payments who demand lightning fast execution, stable wallets, and industry-best security practices.


In Digital Currency Exchanges


Customers Served


Deploying Commercially

Transform your Business with Smart Contracts Development

A smart contract efficiently automates the execution of business contracts involving frequent manual transactions among multiple parties. It automates error-free execution of contracts that are narrow, objective, mechanical with straightforward to complex clauses, and clearly defined outcomes.

We implement smart contracts to automate business operations with the following blockchain technologies.

Our Services

CodePen - Interactive SVG with popups and micro-animations

BitAzure Offers you

We at Bitazure , offers our multisignature wallet customers,we provide white lable Android App for your brandname and help them to connect with their customers directly on your brand with their terms.completly free of cost.

Get fully featured, convenient wallet

Create a digital currency wallet where you can securely store digital currency.

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