
Secure as well as fully customized, liquidity ready exchange software for Startup

Payment Solutions

Payment Solution Software & Platform

Bitazure Crypto Payment Gateway Solution

Thousands of businesses across the globe are accepting payment in cryptocurrency. Payments made via cryptocurrency are safe, secure and inexpensive. We help businesses develop & integrate crypto payment processing gateway to their website or App and start accepting cryptocurrency payments from Clients and customers all over the world.

Crypto Processing Engine & Wallet Software

Cryptocurrency Payment Processing System to send and receive crypto payments worldwide, featured with instant exchange, instant deposits, and payouts.

Bitazure Crypto Payment Gateway is a solution developed to guarantee secure and fast crypto transactions (deposits, withdrawals, exchange). Cryptocurrency payment processor and wallet software covers both – B2B and B2C business sectors, and it could be used by online businesses with their audiences such as Online Casino, Exchanges, Online Auctions, Online Marketplaces, E-shops, Online Betting etc.

Accept Blockchain Payments

With our built-in integrations, we help businesses accept payment in all major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ether and more for seamless, risk-free transaction that too at nominal transaction fees.

Provide Secure Storage

We design and develop crypto wallet for users looking to manage their Blockchain finances in a secure way. This easy to use and secure application helps in holding, receiving and spending cryptocurrencies.


  • Seamless - accept cryptocurrencies from one account
  • Extensive financial reporting system
  • Instant exchange in any fiat or crypto currency
  • Simple API for Business Customers
  • Easy-to-use internal B2B and B2C Wallet
  • Channels, invoices, automated payouts features
  • Instant crypto deposits within 3 seconds
  • Integration with the leading exchanges
  • Cloud-based ready solution Flexible and scalable infrastructure


  • 2-Factor Google Authentication
  • Protection from DDoS attacks and SQL injections
  • Hot & Cold wallets support
  • Auto-withdraw to cold wallets after reaching the limits
  • Failure tolerance

Fiat Settlement

We develop and help businesses with integration of payment gateways to their website for accepting payments in any cryptocurrency and also in Fiat.

Apps & Platforms

We develop Android and iOS ,Web & Desktop based apps that allow users to access their account, accept payments or even convert their digital money anywhere and at any point of time.

Get fully featured, convenient wallet

Create a digital currency wallet where you can securely store digital currency.

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